Customised QCalendarWidget

class ourCalendarWidget : public QCalendarWidget
         ourCalendarWidget(QWidget *parent = 0) : QCalendarWidget(parent){}
        ~ourCalendarWidget() {}
void ourCall(QDate date)
    // here we set some conditions
void paintCell(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, const QDate &date) const
    if ( ) // our conditions
    {     // When the conditions are matched, passed QDate is drawn as we like.                              
        painter->drawEllipse(rect);   // here we draw n ellipse and the day--
        painter->drawText(rec, Qt::TextSingleLine, Qt::AlignCenter,QString::number(;
    {   // if our conditions are not matching, show the default way.
        QCalendarWidget::paintCell(painter, rect, date);